New Mom Bingo - Can You Fill a Card?
Fun Stuff New Mom Parenthood

New Mom Bingo - Can You Fill a Card?

By Amber Stehlik

When I gave birth to my first baby three weeks early this past January, I had almost literally nothing ready. We owned a car seat, a crib, and a crib mattress and a stroller. Clothes? No. Diapers? Like 4 samples and a couple wipes. Car seat installed? Uhhh, also no. Did I mention it was below freezing and we have no immediate family within like 1,000 miles? Yeah, it was kinda nuts.

Like every other first time parent, I was woefully unprepared and celebrated the shit out of every minor new success. Baby slept in crib for 5 minutes! I got him in the car and drove somewhere all by myself (AND I only poked his face 4 times to make sure he was still alive back there)! After texting my mom or a friend with a selfie every time we did something new (Took baby to Costco by myself!), I started making a list of all my new mom accomplishments.

New parent, you also learned some new skills and did shit for the first time and you deserve a prize. Even if it’s just this bingo card and baby spit up.

New Mom Bingo

How many spaces will you fill?

New Mom Bingo
Our next recos:

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6 Things I Forgot About Newborns

20 Things I Learned From My First 4 Months of Parenthood

Breastfeeding Bingo

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