Everything you need to know about newborns. Tips for new parents to help get you through the fourth trimester.
Care Crying Dads

Things I Stopped Doing With My Newborn

By Amy Morrison

A common theory is that the first three months of a newborn’s life is like the fourth trimester. Major development is far from done when a baby is born but we wouldn’t be able to give birth to their giant heads if they stayed in the womb any longer (I wouldn’t say that they fit really well at 40 weeks either but I’m not going to argue with nature.)

My friend told me this when my first son was about a month old and I was trying to implement all the “well intended” (code for “shit”) advice that is often bestowed on a new mother. It was like an Oprah A-Ha moment and it made perfect sense. If I just let him live his life like he’s still in the womb my life will become way less complicated. Here’s what I did with my newborn:

1. I stopped trying to give him a bath every night

Someone told me a bath was essential to establishing a bedtime schedule. She also told me that this should be followed by a massage (sadly for him, not me) and a story.

He hated bath time because he was naked and freezing (for the record, he loves being both now). The massage confused him just long enough to get through it and I don’t know why I thought reading “Go Dog Go” to a two-week old was logical, but then “sane” wasn’t an adjective I’d use for me in the first three months of my child’s life.

I accepted that he was a newborn and not a member of the Deadliest Catch fishing crew, so he wasn’t dirty and he didn’t need a bath.

2. I stopped dressing him in anything other than jammies

When you have a newborn there is no day and night.

He ate, he pooed, he slept and he cried in a one-hour, round-the-clock cycle. I quickly found out that newborns don’t have schedules and they are like those creepy rave kids strung out on E, they want to party at 4 a.m. AND 4 p.m.

It was a perpetual Groundhog Day so why dress for that? Plus, you just have to undress them if they happen to fall into a blissful sleep around 8 p.m. because IT’S BEDTIME!! (said in a high-pitched control freak shrill) and they don’t help with the undressing for a while so it’s like stripping a surly, drugged monkey.

Not pretty.

3. I stopped trying to feed on a schedule

I remember crying, “he can’t be hungry, I just fed him!” so I would try everything to get him to stop only to find out he did want to eat.

He would promptly spit it all up but he was happy and therefore I was happy. My motto was “Pick him up. Fill his mouth. Change his bum.” If that didn’t work, I’d hand him to his father, say “I can’t take it anymore” and then cry in the bathroom.

It worked for us.

4. I stopped waking him up

Another “helpful” person told me I should never let a child sleep past 4 p.m. because I’ll never get them to bed. This is, in fact, true FOR A TWO YEAR OLD.

If my newborn was sleeping, I didn't wake him. Even though it may not seem like it, they sleep about 16 hours out of 24 in a day and if you think you can roll that into 8 consecutive hours you think wrong. That’s like you sleeping one month so you can stay up for two – you’d starve and/or go bonkers.

My baby was eating well (see above) so if he was sleeping, I left him alone and wouldn't poke the bear.

5. I didn’t do any classes for newborns

You know these classes that they have to “stimulate” your newborn. Let me tell you something, being awake stimulates your newborn. Jingling keys is like an effing air show to them so I didn't bother with the classes.

If you want to feel normal and a part of humanity go do something that stimulates you and just sit the baby in the corner or have it strapped to you in a baby carrier.

They don’t know where the hell they are anyway so there’s no point in you having to sit through “If You’re Happy and You Know It” clapping your baby’s hands like a newborn/E.T. puppet show because I can guarantee you that your newborn is thinking “I’m not happy and I know it. If I had a dry bum, a full tummy and was asleep on your chest while you lay on the couch binge watching your favorite show, now that would be pretty damn sweet”.

6. I stopped changing his bum constantly

When I was sent home from the hospital they gave me a chart to record his peeing and pooing to make sure he was eating enough and everything was in “working order”.

I was so happy. I love charts and I loved the small sliver of control I had over the situation. The problem was I got into the habit of changing him every 20 minutes or so. This included the night so if he woke up to eat, I changed him after which meant he woke up that much more which meant it was harder for him to go back to sleep which was not pretty because by the time I got him back to sleep he was hungry again.

Once I figured out that if you grease up their little bums and slap a diaper on them they can pretty much make it through the night without a change unless they poo.

7. I picked him up if he cried

Some people warned me that this would “spoil him” and he would manipulate me and cry every time he wanted me. Er, okay, look at me and my sneaky baby! My thinking was I would rather pick him up to find out nothing was wrong rather than leave him to cry and find out something was.

8. I let him sleep on me

This was considered a big no-no by many because I was “creating a bad habit”. Even I wondered if I would have to rock him to sleep and have him sleep on my chest in his dorm room at college (which would make for some awkward roommate moments) because I didn’t establish a sleep schedule early on.

Here’s the thing, even if you get something established in the beginning, they change so damn quickly that it will be out the window the next week and you’re back to square one.

A wise friend once told me “whatever gets you though the day” and him sleeping on my chest while I watched a movie got me through the day. So there.

My overall theory about newborns

Personally, I think you have plenty of time to get all these schedules into place so just do “whatever gets you through the day” for the first little while and cut yourself a break.

I like the idea of the fourth trimester. All you need for those first few months is to provide them with warmth, food and love – the nightly baths, ferberizing and Mommy and Me classes can wait a bit.

I’m just grateful nature decided that it made more sense for them to be on this side of the fish tank rather than making us give birth to 18lb babies, but I’m weird like that.

Our next reco: Just Me? 5 Newborn Surprises

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