Weeeee weeSpring Review
Gear Apps New Baby

Weeeee weeSpring Review

By Amy Morrison

I was trying to figure out a way that I could find out what you guys really loved and hated in the baby stuff world. Not only would it help me with reviews and recommendations, but it would help me know what to score for some nice giveaways too.

At first, I thought we could start a group board on Pinterest, but that would get long fast. Then I thought we could start a closed group on Facebook, but that would be impossible to sort.

Then it dawned on me – weeSpring!!! I could follow you on weeSpring!

Weeeee weeSpring Review website

About a year ago I briefly mentioned this site in a Round-Up because I thought it was such a great resource for new and expectant parents. It’s like Pinterest with a rating system.

Here’s what I wrote:

“You know when you go on a site like Amazon to see what kind of rating people gave things and you see conflicting reviews all over the place? You never know if the person commenting is a nut, or a dick, or some company owner’s brother-in-law that is just singing its praises so they aren’t banned from Christmas.

So this site called weeSpring came up with the idea of having your friends weigh in on what you should get when you’re expecting. From the “must haves” to the “don’t bothers”. They can give a thumbs up or thumbs down on items, so it saves you from having to constantly ask what they think about each item you need to buy.

You can also follow what other people recommended. So if a gal recommended five things you know you want, you can safely assume she has similar taste to you and can check out her other recommendations with more confidence than a random stranger that may or may not be saving hair from the sink drain.”

When I want to recommend a product that I love, I cross reference to see if others had any issues with it. For instance, I love the Baby Bjorn Babysitter Balance, but it’s pricey, so before I recommended it I checked to see if everyone loves it as much as I do. (Turns out they did.)

Weeeee weeSpring Review, babybjorn bouncer weespring

They’ve grown since then. A lot. In fact, they have more baby gear ratings than Amazon now.

So if you have an account, just follow me (pregnant chicken), or email me a link at amy@pregnantchicken.com to your profile page (like http://www.weespring.com/profile/21667/) and I’ll follow you back because, c’mon, you guys are smart and know your shit. If you don’t have an account and want to start one, just click here to get set up.

I’m kinda excited about this. Probably more than what would be considered normal for rating snot suckers, vibrating chairs and bum wipes.

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