new mom sitting in a chair breastfeeding her newborn baby while drinking coffee
New Mom Parenthood

8 Humbling Moments of Early Motherhood That Make You Laugh (and Maybe Cry)

By Rachel Guyah

If I’ve learned anything about motherhood, it’s this: motherhood is like a clay sculpture. The big moments and milestones may define its basic shape, but the real artistry emerges from the trenches—and the minutia—of daily living.

The true beauty of motherhood is meticulously molded from hundreds of little moments—those humbling (and often hilarious) acts of day-to-day mothering. After all, the word “mother” is not only a noun. It’s also a verb. And it’s something we mothers do every single second of every single day.

Below is just a small snapshot of moments that defined my early days of motherhood—the good, bad, funny, and sad.

1. Not so fast

Naively “swinging by” the Starbucks drive-thru to celebrate that the baby finally fell asleep in the car seat—only to have him start screaming the precise moment you stop at the window to pay. Because no white chocolate mint latte is truly complete without a dollop of mommy guilt.

2. Master multitasker

Scarfing down lunch while strapped to a double-electric breast pump, watching your udders deflate while using your big toe to rock the car seat next to you, as it’s the ONLY thing your newborn will snooze in. (Good thing we bought those two pack and plays. And a crib.)

3. Sh*t happens

Getting projectile pooped on while taking your very first rectal temperature. (And then maybe waiting an inappropriately long time to change shirts. Meh.)

4. Unbothered, moisturized, in my lane, topless (wait, what?)

Giving your neighbors a free daily peep show as you traipse through the house with your ta-tas completely hanging out in order to let your cracked nipples absorb the booby lube. Oh, didn’t you know? Bras and shirts are 500% optional during the newborn stage.

5. Chonky cheek attack

Giving in to your daily urge to compulsively and uncontrollably kiss your baby’s (so soft) cheeks (that smell like heaven) while fighting the urge to give them a little nibble. Cute aggression. It’s a thing!

6. It’s all in the hips

Surrendering all of your pre-preggo pants to charity because your hips don’t lie … and they also don’t magically narrow after childbirth. (On the plus side, you’ll be able to rock a killer hourglass figure—that is, if you ever manage to lose the inner-tube pooch around your middle.)

7. Teamwork (and chocolate) makes the dream work

Chugging a chocolate protein shake through a straw (provided by your amazing partner) because you feel a bit woozy nursing your newborn for the 100th time today. You know how people offer water to marathoners as they pass by? Cluster feeding is pretty much like that.

8. Been there. Cried about that.

Ugly crying in the shower because you secretly (and desperately) mourn the life you had before motherhood. It’s OK. This doesn’t make you a bad mom. This makes you human.

When it comes to early motherhood, the transition can be humbling… and hilarious

Of course, not all of it will make you chuckle when you look back, but some will.

And it’s in these little moments where the real magic of your transformation shines through. Lessons are learned about humility, patience, perseverance, selflessness, and exactly how long you can go without showering before your dog begins looking at you like a possum carcass(!?) they might want to roll in(!?!!).

If motherhood was a card deck, each of us would hold in our hand many of these same snapshots. These seemingly small, inconsequential moments that, in actuality, paint a beautiful picture that only another mother can appreciate.

What early motherhood cards are in your hand?

Let us know in the comments below!

Our next recos: Motherhood: One Week In

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