young mother kissing her newborn baby
Encouragement Feeding Stay At Home Mom

Good For You - Less Mom Shaming, More Support

By Shelley Skuster

To the Mothers who opted for an epidural during childbirth — Good for you! Isn’t modern medicine wonderful? What a great option to push through this life-changing experience!

To the Mothers who gave birth unmedicated — Good for you! What a fantastic way to welcome your little one into the world with perseverance and strength!

To the Mommas who formula-feed their children — Good for you! It’s nice to not have to lug around pumping supplies when we already have a heavy load! And isn’t science wonderful for coming up with something that’s healthy for our babies?!

To the Mommas who breastfeed their children — Good for you! It’s great getting to bond with your baby while building up their immune system with healthy nutrients from YOU!

To the Moms who have a sleep routine with their babies — Good for you! How fantastic that you know what to expect each night. I’m sure your babies are benefiting from the good sleep and structure, too!

To the Moms of fussy babies running on no sleep — Good for you! I bet your babies are comforted by the fact you’ll be there for them no matter what time of day or night. The bond you’re forming is irreplaceable.

To the stay-at-home Mommas — Good for you! Isn’t it awesome to watch your babies hit their milestones?! It’s hard work, but how wonderful that you have the ability to stay at home and watch them grow!

To the working Mommas [yes, I know “working Mom” is redundant…] — Good for you! Isn’t it great to have people out there who care for our babies as if they were their own?! And it’s pretty wonderful to have something to look forward to coming home to each day, too!

To the home birth Moms…the hospital birth Moms…the C-section Moms, the vaginal birth Moms, the I’m-having-my-baby-right-now-in-the-car Moms…

You’re doing a great job!

Related: Slowing Down to Appreciate the Lasts

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