Funny Baby Shower Cakes (That You Can't Unsee) - baby being born cake
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Funny Baby Shower Cakes (That You Can't Unsee)

By Amy Morrison

I love Cake Wrecks and if you haven’t checked out the site, then get over there because it’s like lucite platform heels – sometimes tacky, sometimes scary and always awesome.

I asked Jen if I could pull a couple of the funny baby shower cakes for a post, you can imagine how thrilled I was when she said “go for it”.

Let me tell ya, I was not disappointed in the plethora of batshit cakes that people serve up at baby showers.

Funny baby shower cakes that are as tasty as electric-blue, store bought frosting:

"Tschower" baby shower cake

“What? I thought it was spelled “Tschower”. Godammit. Hand me that rag, would ya?”

welcome babbies cake

I love Babbies. The more ‘b’s the better. (Unless it’s actually ‘Baffies’. Now that would be stupid.)

pregnant belly and boobs cake

“Just a sliver of giant tit for me, please.”

c-section funny baby shower cake

Nothing says “edible” quite like an abdomen gash with a hand sticking out.

sleeping baby cake

This is actually a really beautiful cake until you realize you have to cut into a sleeping infant. No, that’s not disturbing or anything.

sleeping baby cake

Again, we have to cut this cake, people. I don’t want to eat half of a baby’s face (judging from the photo, I’d eat the whole head but I wouldn’t be happy about it.)

giant boob funny baby shower cake

Why do I feel like it was the 18-year-old brother’s job to get the cake?

sperm heart baby rainbow cake

It is important that we all know why we are gathered here today. Stick lady + cup of sperm = heart, baby, heart. All together now…

green baby welcome baby tristan cake

I’m really hoping this isn’t what Tristan looked like. If it was, then my bad and I tip my hat to your charming cake.

messed up baby shower cake

WTF is happening here? Why is a burnt ET sitting on top of a t.v.? Welcome to the world anyway, Ethan.

finally is a boy cake

Maybe the parents decided to name this child “Finally” regardless of sex because I can’t even figure out what they were going for here.

baby baby shower cake

Oh, it’s a baby BABY shower. Crap, I need to get another card.

push olivia push cake

I have no idea what they find weird about this cake?! Maybe the woman they were having the shower for wasn’t named Olivia. Now *that* would be awkward.

push connie push cake

Actually, this is exactly how Connie gave birth – surrounded by rosettes while her giant boob-balls rolled into her mouth.

baby feet cake

Yes, congratulations on your headless baby, now let’s eat its feet.

uterus cake

Mmmmm, uterus.

funny baby shower cake

What you can’t see is Uncle Bob’s interpretive dance that goes along with this cake. It’s all about learning through poetry and movement.

creepy baby cake

Is it worse to eat a beautiful baby cake or a creepy one? Creepy cake babies have rights too, you know.

star wars baby shower cake

This is possibly the best cake I have ever seen. If I had witnessed this cake in 1977, my head would have exploded or I would have done something like this. With the protection of Darth Vader in an acid tripping, air-brushed universe, that lucky little baby can’t lose. She just can’t lose.

meatloaf baby

This isn’t even a cake but I am horrified that someone has taken the two things I love most – meatloaf and bacon – and molded it into the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. Excuse me while I go bleach my eyes.

Whether you're planning a baby shower or just looking for some third trimester humor - check out this collection of funny baby shower cakes!

Golly that’s a lot of detail — “Grandma, can I interest you in a slice of taint?”

vulva cupcakes

After I got over the initial shock of these cupcakes, I decided they were awesome like a cat playing piano. Gimme two!

Wow. Just wow. This cake is so entirely awesome that I can’t handle it. First I saw the head. Nice. Then I saw the strawberries. It really is an art to make strawberries disturbing. Then, and only then, did I happen to notice the sprinkles for the asshole.

This truly is a cake of many layers.

So there you have it. Now get out there and get your creepy “babby” cake holding a cup of sperm and some bacon. Happy showers, Peeps!

Our next reco: What Color Hair Will My Baby Have? Hair Color Predictor

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