Four types of double electric breast pumps that you can get through insurance
Pumping Breastfeeding Free Pump

Get Your Free Breast Pump

By Amy Morrison

Whether you had no idea this was a thing or heard murmurings about getting a free breast pump through insurance, I’m here to give you the low down and why it's worth checking out if you plan on breastfeeding or storing your breast milk.

Most insurance companies will cover a breast pump.

The Affordable Care Act (aca) requires most health insurance plans to cover the cost of a breast pump as part of preventive health services. How much will vary from company to company and, unfortunately, some plans are grandfathered in so you aren’t entitled to diddly squat.

In true insurance company spirit, they often make coverage complicated and confusing through long forms, applications, and require a prescription from your doctor.

In an effort to make this easier, some organizations will help you pick out a pump then take care of all your insurance paperwork.

What’s the catch?

There really isn’t one.

Essentially these companies are breast pump stores that recognize what a pain it is to deal with insurance so they submit your claim and are reimbursed by the insurance company instead of you. Many insurance plans like Aetna, United Healthcare, Anthem blue cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and even Medicaid plans cover a double electric breast pump for new moms through a medical supply company.

Breast Pump Brands Included

  • Ameda
  • Ardo
  • BabyBuddha
  • Dr. Brown's
  • Elvie
  • Freemie
  • Haakaa
  • Lansinoh
  • Medela
  • Motif
  • Spectra
  • Willow

Are there any drawbacks?

Not really. The only situation where I could see it being beneficial to submit the claim yourself is if your insurance will only cover a portion of your pump and you find an amazing deal somewhere.

If the legwork of getting a prescription, buying the pump, submitting your receipt and waiting for your reimbursement from insurance doesn't bother you (and you love a good sale), it might be worth going this route.

Some insurance companies require that you use in-network providers that are durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers and or will only cover one kind of pump.

You will need to provide them with your insurance card number, and member id in an online form but most companies will send you a pump towards the end of your pregnancy with no out-of-pocket cost to you (most even have free shipping.)

Here are some tips for picking out a breast pump that's right for you including what you difference is between manual pumps, hospital grade pumps and double electric pumps.

Get up to $2,000 in free essentials.

Access products like breast pumps, breast pump parts, flanges, counseling, belly bands, compression stockings, lactation consultant, and postpartum support garments with qualifying insurance providers.

Want to see if you qualify for a free breast pump?

You’ll need your insurance ID number so they can nail down what you can get – eligibility can vary wildly even within the same insurance companies. All fields are required.

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