Can Falling During Pregnancy Hurt the Baby?
Is It Safe?

Can Falling During Pregnancy Hurt the Baby?

By Amy Morrison

As a teenager, I remember watching soap operas where a character would climb up two rungs of a step ladder to fix a curtain, fall off and miscarry. All I could think was “No, not the step ladder! Don’t you know you’re going to fall off and lose the baby, Sienna!!?”

Turns out that’s an unlikely scenario.

There is a good chance that you’ll fall during your pregnancy because you’re off balance, and there’s a fair amount of time when you can’t see the ground or your feet.

It looks like the worst part about falling is you can’t just pop up and do that I-can’t-believe-I-did-that look then move on. Odds are you’ll be an overturned turtle with a horrified audience asking if you’re okay (they may even call you soap opera names, so don’t be alarmed).

That said, your baby is pretty cushioned in there, so your average spill shouldn’t do anything except embarrass you (again, all preparation for having a child). Not until you get into the major wipeouts or if weird stuff (like spotting or cramping) should there be any cause for alarm, but feel free to double-check with a medical practitioner.

Just be sure to always wear clean underwear so when you’ve missed the curb in a busy intersection and your moo moo flies up over your head people won’t whisper “Ew, Sienna’s wearing ratty underpants”.

Also, check out: 12 Things TV Gets Hilariously Wrong About Pregnancy and Babies

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