Baby Jogger Vue Review and video
New Baby Gear Strollers

Baby Jogger Vue Review

By Amy Morrison
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At first glance, it looks like your average, nice umbrella stroller, but it has one really unique feature: a reversible seat. This means your baby can either face out to the world or looking at you.

It reclines alllll the way back so an infant can use it and it’s fairly lightweight and compact.

You can check out my snazzy video that includes Commander Sally Pickles and a Princess Bride reference.

Things I loved:

  • Reversible seat
  • Giant canopy
  • Tall handles and seat back
  • Smooth ride
  • Fairly compact and lightweight
  • Compatible with the Cybex Aton 1 and 2, the Nuna Pipa and Maxi Cosi Cabrio and Prezi infant car seats (adapter is $25)

Things to consider:

  • The basket underneath is tiny. Consider wearing a backpack if you’re going to hit the town with this stroller because stashing a diaper bag really isn’t an option. You can use the space behind the seat but only when your child is sitting upright.
  • It doesn’t have a peek-a-boo window in the canopy. I totally get why though – you would need two windows to accommodate rear and forward facing. This wouldn’t be a big deal for me but some people really love this feature.
  • It isn’t cheap. If you want something to just toss in your car for the occasional car trip, or you aren’t going to have a few kids to use this with, you may want to consider a more frugal option.

You can find them on Amazon.

Also check out:

UPPAbaby G-luxe – full recline, lighter (13.4 lbs), a little more expensive, stands on its own folded, canopy isn’t as big, better basket

The First Years Jet Stroller, City Chic – doesn’t recline fully (6+ months), lighter (11lbs), less expensive, canopy isn’t a nice, basket just meh

Joovy Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller – full recline, lighter (13.7lbs), about the same price, good canopy, decent basket

baby jogger city mini – not an umbrella, full recline, actually lighter (16.8lbs), great canopy, larger basket, folds flat instead of collapsing like an umbrella, more expensive.

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