ADAPT ergobaby review

ADAPT ergobaby review

By Emily Ramirez
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Note: Ergobaby no longer makes the Adapt carrier. If you are looking for something similar, check out their Omni 360.

If someone has given you an Adapt it's still a great carrier as you can see below.

The good people over at Ergobaby have done the thing we wish all companies would do and created a product you can use from infancy through toddlerhood, without having to buy anything extra (can I get a hell yes?!).

A few quick adjustments and you can safely and comfortably carry your baby in three different positions (front, back, and side) up until they reach forty pounds. Being someone who has used an Ergobaby original for nearly the last three years, I was very pleased with the changes they made to create the ADAPT.

In the new slimmed down and spruced up design, the seat adjusts with Velcro to create a proper-sized pocket for your baby’s booty. The redesigned waistband has less padding overall, but appropriate padding for where you need it, making it easier to move around. I tried it with my 7-week-old baby (roughly 10 pounds) and was surprised at how comfortable it was for both of us. Hands down my favorite thing was how visible he is in it. Unlike with the original ergo with an insert, or the Moby Wrap, I was easily able to visually confirm he was in the proper position from start to finish of our hike, with none of his limbs being tweaked or pinched. The extra padding at the top of the pocket worked wonderfully at keeping his head and neck in the appropriate position where he was comfortable and breathing easily.

A few things worth mentioning are the new smaller, zipper-less pocket and a minor buckle situation.  I, like many people, have a phone that doesn’t fit into my pants (or my budget for that matter), so I rely on whatever I am wearing to carry it. When removing the ADAPT after a successful spin around our neighborhood lake, my phone took a swan dive out of the pocket right into the street. I mention this only to save any of you who may purchase this product from the same fate. Mind the pocket, yo! Also, the orientation of the buckles that connect the arm straps to the body of the pack has been changed from the original design, so where in the original version you’d pull down to tighten the straps, now you have to pull up and back which I found to be slightly more difficult.

Things I loved:

  • Does not require insert like original design
  • Extra padding to provide neck support for infants up to 6 weeks
  • Super easy to adjust Velcro seat for proper fit of pocket
  • Much smaller profile allowing for greater visibility – easier to ensure all of baby’s bits and pieces are where they are supposed to be
  • Thinner waistband, but sufficient padding where you need it
  • Can rearrange straps to fit either in standard H fashion, or across the back
  • Adjustable seat so it can fit infant-toddler (40#)
  • Machine washable
  • Adjustable hood
  • 100% Cotton shell and lining
  • Allows baby to be carried in ergonomic spread-squat “M-shape” position from newborn to toddler

Things to consider:

  • It’s $145 so it won’t fit every budget
  • Does not have a zipper pocket, and pocket is much smaller
  • Straps are a little hard to adjust
  • Smaller hood

Related: Traveling with a Baby: some tips for flying

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